FIMH 2025: 13th Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart International Conference
Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart International Conference (FIMH), organized biennially, is focused on the convergence between groundbreaking research and advancements in cardiovascular imaging, image analysis, and heart modeling. The primary mission is to nurture collaboration between students, emerging scholars, and established scientists in fields spanning imaging, image and signal processing, applied mathematics, biophysics, and biomedical engineering.
The 13th edition will be held in June 1-5 2025 in Dallas, Texas, and will be organized within the campus of the University of Texas Southwestern and Children’s Medical Center. The main conference will take place over 3 full days (Monday-Wednesday, June 2-4, 2025). Furthermore, additional workshops and challenges, initiated directly by clinical and research groups, will be organized the day before and the day after the main conference (Sunday and Thursday, June 1 and 5).
Bringing the FIMH conference directly into the clinical environment will boost the bi-directional interactions between the researchers and clinicians. The methods developed within the FIMH community – typically based on combining cardiovascular imaging, physiology and biophysics – are recognized to have the potential in the contributions to patient stratification and optimal clinical management. The meeting aims to contribute to advancing the methods and also facilitate launching clinical studies using such novel methods.
The conference supports the active contributions of junior attendees (graduate students, postdocs as well as medical students, residents, or fellows) and facilitates the interaction between senior and junior members. Therefore, it will stimulate basic discoveries about the causes of disease, enable the translation of basic discoveries into clinical practice, foster training and mentoring of emerging scientists and physicians, and communicate research advances to the public.
FIMH 2025 is endorsed by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) and by the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society (MICCAI).
Institutional Support
FIMH 2025 is hosted by the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and by the Children's Medical Center, Dallas.
March 17, 2025: Paper revision deadline
April 1, 2025: Decision on Acceptance (revised papers)
April 3, 2025: Upload of final version into the EquinOCS submission system
April 18, 2025: Early bird registration
June 1-5, 2025: FIMH 2025 conference & satellite events