
For registration, please follow this link


Registration to FIMH 2025 includes

  • participation at the conference and satellite events (Sunday and Thursday June 1, 5)
  • lunches, drinks etc. druing breaks
  • welcome and closing receptions on Monday and Wednesday
  • conference dinner on Tuesday
  • access to conference proceedings (download link for electronic version provided by Springer)


Registration fees

Conference June 1-5 (incl. satellite events, conf. dinner)   Early bird (until April 18)     Standard

  • Student (including postdoc, clinical fellow)                           US$ 400                     US$ 500
  • Regular                                                                                US$ 600                     US$ 700

Conference fee single day Monday-Wednesday (excluding conference dinner on Tuesday)

  • Student / Regular                                                                                US$ 150 / 250

Satellite events only (Sunday / Thursday)

  • Student / Regular                                                                                US$ 100 / 200 

Conference dinner only (Tuesday)

To be detailed

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